Welcome to the experimental open data space at the University of Oslo Library.
Having played with RDF/SKOS modeling of our subject heading vocabularies for some time,
we decided to set up this site to provide dereferenceable URIs for them.
Everything's a bit experimental here, but we try to keep the site up and running.
Please report issues to our e-mail address, drift@ub.uio.no.
- /skosmos
- Navigate and search our vocabularies using the Skosmos vocabulary browser.
- /dumps
- Grab some data. We provide dumps in various formats.
- /query
- The query service is still under construction. When introduced, it'll be possible to query the data using a public Fuseki-powered SPARQL endpoint.
- /lodlive
- LodLive was a visual RDF navigator in use until 2024. It is now discontinued.